How to Train for KickBoxing and Muay Thai in Canada

Crushing a big goal often means scoring smaller daily wins. Whether your mission is to learn a new skill, get fight fit, learn how to throw a punch, enter the ring, or simply change up your workout routine - goals (especially ambitious ones which we tend to make at this time of year) require small tweaks in daily habits. Daily wins are key to long-term success. Our instructors and fighters know this well and have been keeping in shape through the holidays to help you take on your New Year! 

Are you ready to build a new you? Together, let's take the first step. Challenge yourself to 2 classes or personal training sessions a week and then 3 by the end of the month. Before you know it, you will be surrounded by a like-minded, adventurous, trying-something-new-crew whose contagious energy will keep you pumped and in action.

Smashing daily goals turns to smashing monthly goals, and before you know it success is much closer than you may think. The key to staying focused and motivated is to concentrate on the smaller steps that lead to a better version of you. Build one brick at a time. 

The best workouts don't feel like workouts at all - you have fun, you burn a ton of calories, you feel stronger and more confident, and you meet some pretty inspiring people along the way! This year, try a class or a personal training session with one of our experienced trainers. We are here to help you crush your goals! 

Valuable Life Skills

In Muay Thai, you will learn respect, discipline, and focus. Drills, training and being around like-minded people burn these traits on your mind like a branding iron. Daily practice of these life skills turns them into habits, and it becomes second nature to you. You'll develop self-confidence and high self-esteem, two essential traits of successful people.  These life skills translate well into everyday school life and beyond. In everyday situations, you will get hit and knocked down. Things won't go your way, and all your plans will fail. Muay Thai teaches you how to roll with the punches and how to persevere. You'll get back up stronger and more determined to conquer your failures and win.
Learn How to Focus

With the myriad of distractions that plague university/college life, the lack of focus is rampant. In Muay Thai training, a lack of attention can lead to missed strikes and getting hit in return. You need focus and consistency to land your attacks, and Muay Thai will teach you to do both. Imagine what focus and persistence can do to your studies?

Muay Thai VS Stress

Stress sucks. And school stress can sometimes feel unbearable. You need an outlet to blow off some steam! Muay Thai is a fantastic way to help ease the pressure of being a student. Some students can burn up to 1,000 calories for a 60-minute session. This will get your heart rate up and release feel-good hormones called endorphins. Not only will you get fit and healthy with Muay Thai, but you'll also feel super good after a workout. The support structure of Muay Thai, from your Kru to your training partners, is one of the best things about this art. People will really go out of their way to help you reach your goals inside and outside the gym. Hey, you can even take out all your frustrations out on the heavy bag if you want... Just leave your sparring partner out of it!

In a Nutshell...If you want to survive the school year with your wits and health intact, Muay Thai is your wing man. It's a beautiful and highly social martial art that builds character and lasting friendships. Muay Thai can provide you with the perfect building blocks to accomplish your goals and become a champion of life.

A wise master once said...
“The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge. A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups.” - Bruce Lee

Ego, fear, and hang-ups are always lurking in the life of a student. Ego comes in many forms, from thinking you don't need to study for exams to judging that a class is not worth your time. Hang-ups and fear can cripple your decision making and poor decision making always means future problems.

Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s great founding fathers and cardio kickboxing enthusiast (okay, maybe not, but he would have been if not for the time gap and gout) once said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Seeing other amazing kickboxing and boxing fitness classes starting up in nearby gyms, it’s tempting to immediately launch one of your own – but hold on just a minute! Without a plan in place, you won’t have a program that’s successful and stable long-term – just another trendy flash in the pan.

4 Reasons to join Kickboxing

1. All levels of experience and disciplines are welcome

The thought of getting into martial arts may sound daunting at first, but rest assured that you will be in good hands as our experienced trainers take you step by step into the world of Kickboxing and Muay Thai. From complete beginners to seasoned pros all are welcome at the QUB Muay Thai & Kickboxing family.

2. There are heaps of interclub events, trips, and competitions

From time to time, the club participates in interclub events which give students the opportunity to travel to other cities both in Ireland and Great Britain. These trips are a tremendous opportunity to meet new friends and learn from one another. In addition to inter clubs, the club has organized fighter’s workshops and self-defense workshops led by world-renowned experts, such as Arjarn Spour. Finally, for those students who wish to take their Muay Thai a bit further, we have both an amateur and pro fighter’s rooster with opportunities to fight on some of the biggest and best shows in Ireland and Great Britain.

3. It offers the full-body workout you needed

Both martial arts are specifically designed to promote a high level of fitness. While shadow boxing, punching, kicking pads, and clinching are amazing for developing a strong cardiovascular system, calisthenics and the high-intensity explosive workout from both kickboxing and Muay Thai promote fat loss and strength building. Nothing is more fun than building your core, flexibility, and strength while burning 700 to 1,000 calories an hour in our sessions.

4. You’ll learn lifelong lessons

Kealan Fennell (Left) receiving his 6th Khan from the UK's Muay Thai Chief Instructor of Phraya Pichai Muay Thai Camp Inmo Bob (Right)

While there’s a huge misconception that learning a martial art promotes violence, the truth is that many martial arts have a rich tradition of teaching important values in life. In training, everything else in life becomes irrelevant. You will meet people from all walks of life and develop key skills that will shape your entire life: discipline, respect, humility, determination, and self-confidence all will help you discover your greatest potential in life. While learning these disciplines I have come to see that anyone and everyone may have something to teach you, and that failure is not a reason to quit, but the best way to learn!

So these are some points you need to know before starting your career in Kick Boxing and  Muay Thai.


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